I am making a parallel to serial converter using ring counter in verilog. The ring counter is working fine but the Parallel to serial converter is not working properly and I am getting x undefined result. I am providing the code kindly help me finding the problem. Torrent lia model gallery. TOP module PtoSTOP; reg clk,rst; wire [3:0] myout; wire out; Ring a(clk,rst,myout); parToser x(myout,clk,rst,out); initial begin clk=1; rst=1; #1 rst=0; end always #2 clk=~clk; endmodule Parallel TO Serial Converter module parToser(myout,clk,rst,out); input clk,rst; input [3:0] myout; output reg out; reg [2:0]i; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) begin out. I think the main issue you are seeing is part of parToser.

The ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) can be interfaced to FPGA/ASIC in the very different ways 8 bit serial to parallel converter vhdl code. A Boolean Cube to VHDL converter and its application to parallel CRC. 15 1.3.1 CRC in Serial. To produce the VHDL code manually and our converter.

You have reg [2:0]i; which you increment and use to address input [3:0] myout; but i can hold values 0 to 7, half of which is outside the address range of [3:0] myout. Full episode hulu. You should be seeing a simulation error about out of range addressing. Also you have included a few flip-flops with a reset condition but not added the reset to the sensitivity list in 'parToser' & 'Ring': always @(posedge clk) Should be: always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) With out this trigger your out, i and myout variables will be x, as they have not been set to a known condition. NB: parToser i = i+1; should be i.


I am making a parallel to serial converter using ring counter in verilog. The ring counter is working fine but the Parallel to serial converter is not working properly and I am getting x undefined result. I am providing the code kindly help me finding the problem. Torrent lia model gallery. TOP module PtoSTOP; reg clk,rst; wire [3:0] myout; wire out; Ring a(clk,rst,myout); parToser x(myout,clk,rst,out); initial begin clk=1; rst=1; #1 rst=0; end always #2 clk=~clk; endmodule Parallel TO Serial Converter module parToser(myout,clk,rst,out); input clk,rst; input [3:0] myout; output reg out; reg [2:0]i; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) begin out. I think the main issue you are seeing is part of parToser.

The ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) can be interfaced to FPGA/ASIC in the very different ways 8 bit serial to parallel converter vhdl code. A Boolean Cube to VHDL converter and its application to parallel CRC. 15 1.3.1 CRC in Serial. To produce the VHDL code manually and our converter.

You have reg [2:0]i; which you increment and use to address input [3:0] myout; but i can hold values 0 to 7, half of which is outside the address range of [3:0] myout. Full episode hulu. You should be seeing a simulation error about out of range addressing. Also you have included a few flip-flops with a reset condition but not added the reset to the sensitivity list in 'parToser' & 'Ring': always @(posedge clk) Should be: always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) With out this trigger your out, i and myout variables will be x, as they have not been set to a known condition. NB: parToser i = i+1; should be i.